Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Oxford City Council

This is a disclosure log of Oxford City Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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148 disclosures

  1. Please could you tell me how I can get put onto your suppliers list or who to contact to find out more about how to get onto the council's suppliers list

    Published: 9 January 2024

  2. FoI Request - Contingency Plans for High Rise Buildings May I please have the following information within the statutory time for a response for any buildings managed by the City Council or their agents:? • Number of building requiring cladding refurbishment after the Grenfell fire • Number of buildings which have a contingency plan • Number of buildings which have a fire warden/ marshal scheme • A copy of a representative contingency plan for a relevant building • A copy of any fire warden/marshal operational manual/instructions

    Published: 9 January 2024

  3. I am endeavoring to try and establish some numbers on, 1. How many licensed taxis & private hire vehicles are there within your council district? 1. How many ad-hoc spot checks by licensing officers have been carried out on licensed vehicles in the past 12 months? (Not to include MOT checks, just roadside/spot checks) 1. Out of the checked licensed vehicles, how many failed at the roadside? 2. Are there any current requirements for drivers to do regular vehicle checks (daily/weekly) and store data for inspection? What I am trying to ascertain, is if there is a possibility to develop a new product that would enhance the industry to make it safer. Working with a small IT team we are trying to develop a new driver reporting app, that requires the driver of each licensed vehicle to do a regular vehicle check (daily, weekly or monthly, to be decided by individual councils). The information we are seeking would greatly help us to understand more about how each council manages the safety of licensed taxi & private hire vehicles and how we may be able to help improve the services. Could I make an official request for the information as outlined above?

    Published: 9 January 2024

  4. I would like to know the following:

       -Have you approved installation of EV (electrical vehicle) charge points for any grade 2 listed buildings and if so, how many in the last five years?   

        - Did you require any of those approved to submit a listed building consent application, again if so, how many of them?    

       - Of those approved EV charge points for grade 2 listed buildings was a planning application required, if so, how many?  

         - Of those approved did you stipulate the kind of EV charger, size, made, model etc and if so, what were those stipulations.   

        - How many EV charge points have you not approved, in the last five years, for grade 2 listed buildings?

    Published: 9 January 2024

  5. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please respond to the following: Date from 2000 to present date 2023 1. Oxford City Council declared a 'Climate Emergency'. What is the council's definition of a 'Climate Emergency'? 2. Please disclose the evidence, data, correspondence or other documents in support of the council's decision to declare a 'Climate Emergency'. 3. Please disclose a list of policies that have been introduced as a consequence of the 'Climate Emergency'. 4. Please disclose a list of strategic 'Climate Emergency' partners. 5. Please disclose a list of the strategic partners of Oxford City Council with respect to the 'Climate Crisis'. •

    Published: 9 January 2024

  6. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information: Between 1 September 2013 and 1 September 2023, which public buildings within the local authority has the council previously been made aware may contain reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC), and on what date were concerns first raised? Can you provide a list of these buildings and their current use (ie town hall/primary school/public library), in both a written email and spreadsheet format (ideally .xlsx) where possible. A) In which of these buildings have further investigations into RAAC been carried out? B) Which of these buildings are still deemed potentially unsafe?

    Published: 9 January 2024

  7. I would like to know the proportion of housing defined as "affordable" built by developers in the city of Oxford. Please split it down by year. By "affordable housing", I am referring to housing built under Section 106 regulations. When I say "proportion", please could you provide a breakdown of the developments which have taken place in Oxfordshire in this period in one column and the proportion of "affordable" housing (taken as a %) in the second column. If you are unable to provide data as far back as 2012, please could you provide data back to 2018.

    Published: 9 January 2024

  8. Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with the following information: - All of the villages/towns/cities that people have been placed in temporary accommodation by the council since 1 January 2022

    Published: 9 January 2024

  9. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your local authority: The total number of housing enforcement officers or similarly titled officers employed by the council who are able to take enforcement action when a private or social landlord has breached housing law. The number of homes inspected or visited in 2022 by the authority's housing enforcement team or equivalent officers

    Published: 9 January 2024

  10. I would like to make a Freedom of Information request regarding the Oxford private landlord license scheme. I wish to know the following: To date, how many landlords have signed up for the scheme? What measures do the council have in place to check whether landlords have registered for a license? What case studies or agencies prompted the council to launch the scheme? What action has the Council taken to pursue landlords who are yet to sign up? The figures for the number of complaints Oxford City Council received from tenants regarding the condition of the property they are renting between 1st Sept 2021- August 31st 2022 The figures for the number of complaints Oxford City Council received from tenants regarding the condition of the property they are renting between 1st Sept 2022- August 31st 2023 •

    Published: 9 January 2024