Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Oxford City Council

This is a disclosure log of Oxford City Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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148 disclosures

  1. Please provide me with responses to the questions in the attached document under Freedom of Information. Can you please send the responses in the same format with any separate attachments.

    Published: 24 January 2024

  2. We are a company which promotes ethical, legal and environmentally responsible barbecue (BBQ) cooking as part of our core values aligned to our products. With this in mind, we want to inform and educate people on the legality of cooking on a BBQ/Open Fire in public spaces across the UK. The article will be accompanied with information on appropriate legislation and fire safety. I would like your assistance in understanding the local laws/regulations that you apply when considering cooking on BBQs in a public space. Can you answer the brief questions below please?

    1. Does your authority have responsibility for setting the local regulations regarding whether people can BBQ in a public space? 2. Is BBQ cooking permitted in ALL local authority public spaces WITHOUT a permit or prior authorisation? 3. If not, is BBQ cooking permitted in ANY local authority public spaces WITHOUT a permit or prior authorisation? 4. Is BBQ cooking permitted in ANY local authority public places WITH a permit or authorisation? 5. How many local authority places exist in your geography where people can BBQ? 6. Re Q5, if less than 6 in number, please name the places. 7. Is there a charge for a permit/permission? If so, how much is it?

    Published: 24 January 2024

  3. This is an information request relating to celebrities turning on Christmas lights. Please include the following information: * The amount spent by the council on celebrities to turn on Christmas lights in 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. * The name of any celebrity who turned on Christmas lights for the council in 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023.

    Published: 24 January 2024

  4. I am reaching out with an FOI request for polling district or ward-level election results for any general elections for which they can be tabulated. I am agnostic about whether these results include postal votes or not, and in fact I believe the latter is necessary as postal votes probably cannot be assigned to any particular ward. I am also aware that some degree of vote-mixing is done at the polling district level. I am requesting this data for use in my dissertation.

    Published: 24 January 2024

  5. Good morning, I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ('the Act') to please request the following information in relation to farm animal species only during the years 2022 and 2023 (broken down by year): 1. Do you enforce farmed animal welfare legislation? a. if not why? e.g. no farms, a different local authority does b. if a different local authority enforces this legislation in your area, please inform us which one? 2. How many of each of the following are under your authority? a. Farms; b. Markets; and c. Borders 3. How many of each of the following in your jurisdiction were inspected one or more times? a. Farms; b. Markets; and c. Borders For the avoidance of doubt, if the same farm/market/border was inspected more than once then it should only be recorded once. 4. How many of each of the following in your jurisdiction showed non-compliance with animal welfare law following an inspection: a. Farms; b. Markets; and c. Borders For the avoidance of doubt, if the same farm/market/border was inspected more than once and showed non-compliance each time, then it should only be recorded once, similarly if it showed compliance on one inspection and not the other, then it should also be recorded as one. 5. How many of each of the following were inspected more than once in your jurisdiction? a. Farms; b. Markets; and c. Borders 6. What were the total number of inspections that were conducted in your jurisdiction at each of the following: a. Farms; b. Markets; and c. Borders 7. What was the total number of inspections conducted in your jurisdiction at each of the following that found non-compliance with animal welfare law? a. Farms; b. Markets; and c. Borders 8. What was your body's budget for farmed animal welfare enforcement? 9. Please list whether an official improvement notice or a prosecution was issued or commenced by you on each of the occasion an inspection revealed non-compliance at each of the following: a. Farms; b. Markets; and c. Borders 10. How many welfare complaints did you receive in relation to the following: a. On-farm animal welfare; b. Welfare at markets; and, c. Welfare during transport d. Welfare at a border post 11. How many welfare complaints did you investigate in relation to the following: a. On-farm animal welfare; b. Welfare at markets; and, c. Welfare during transport d. Welfare at a border post 12. How many prosecution proceedings did you commence for offences named in the Animal Welfare Act 2006? a. Of those proceedings, how many resulted in a successful prosecution? 13. How many improvement notices did you serve under section 10 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 for failures to comply with section 9(1) of that Act? 14. How many prosecution proceedings did you commence for offences named in Section 7 of the Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2007? a. Of those proceedings, how many resulted in a successful prosecution? 15. How many compliance notices were issued by your inspectors for failures to comply with the Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006? 16. How many prosecution proceedings did you commence for offences named in the Welfare of Animals at Markets Order 1990? a. Of those proceedings, how many resulted in a successful prosecution? 17. How many individuals subject to any of the above enforcement action had previously committed an animal welfare offence? 18. How many people do you employ to carry out farm animal welfare inspections as part of their duties? a. How many farm animal welfare inspections did they complete? 19. How many people do you employ to carry out enforcement of the Animal Health Act 1981 as part of their duties? 20. In handling future freedom of information requests, is your authority able to respond to questions through a Google Form as an alternative to email response to enhance accessibility and efficiency?

    Published: 24 January 2024

  6. Q1. How many electric vehicle public charging outlets or chargepoints have you installed in your local authority to date that are classed as on-street residential chargepoints, located in residential streets or areas? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and the year the figures correspond to. Q2. For Question 1, how many on-street residential charging outlets or chargepoints have you installed to date in your local authority that have been adapted specifically for disabled users? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and year the figures correspond to. Q3. For Question 1, how many on-street public charging outlets or chargepoints are positioned in disabled parking bays? Q4. For Question 1, how many of the on-street residential chargepoints in your area adapted for disabled users conform to the BSI's latest accessible charging specification (PAS 1899:2022)<>? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and year the figures correspond to. Q5. Does your electric vehicle charging infrastructure strategy include specific considerations for elderly and / or disabled users? Q6. Do you provide any additional support for disabled or elderly users wanting to access public chargepoints for electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles, such as charge-point assistants or roaming charging services? Q7. Do you support or provide marketing tools to residents to make finding charge point services easier, such as charge point booking or journey planning technologies?

    Published: 24 January 2024

  7. 1. What was your target for the number of affordable housing units fulfilled through section 106 planning obligations in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023? 2. How many housing units (all types of housing) were fulfilled in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023 from planning applications where a s106 obligation was in place? 3. How many affordable housing units were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023? 4. What were your targets for the number of affordable housing units fulfilled through section 106 planning obligations for each financial year from April 2017 - April 2022? 5. How many housing units (all types of housing) were fulfilled each financial year from April 2017 - April 2022 in planning applications where a s106 obligation was in place? 6. How many affordable housing units were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations each financial year from April 2017 - April 2022? 7. How many planning applications, that had Section 106 obligations to provide affordable housing, were fulfilled in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023? 8. How many planning applications with Section 106 obligations to provide affordable housing, fulfilled in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023, were impacted by viability assessments? 9. Of those Section 106 obliged planning applications that were impacted by viability assessments in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023 (Answer to Question 8), how many affordable housing units were removed? 10. How many affordable housing units that were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023 were fulfilled on-site? 11. How many affordable housing units that were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023 were fulfilled off-site? 12. How many planning applications that included affordable housing and were fulfilled in the financial year between April 22 - April 23 under section 106 obligations resulted in a fine by the council?

    Published: 18 January 2024

  8. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to request the following information: 1. Do you have a full-time officer solely dedicated to managing your declared climate and/or nature emergency? Yes/No 2. Does your policy/strategy specify that some or all planning applications that could affect trees must include a tree canopy cover assessment as supporting information? Yes/No 3. Do you have a professional tree officer dedicated to advise on planning applications that could affect existing trees? Yes/No 4. Do you have standard planning conditions that specifically require that the supply, planting, and maintenance of new trees must be complaint with BS 8545 (2014) Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape - Recommendations? Yes/No

    Published: 15 January 2024

  9. For the calendar year 2023 please provide the following information: 1. How many staff applied for redundancy/early retirement 2. How many staff had their redundancy/early retirement applications refused? 3. How many staff have been made redundant? 4. How many were voluntary redundancies? 5. How many were compulsory redundancies? 7. What criteria were used for accepting or refusing redundancy/early retirement? 8. How many employees were offered payments and terms over and above the statutory minimum and if any, provide an explanation as to why additional payments were made. Where applicable, please make clear if staff involved were corporate or non corporate staff.

    Published: 11 January 2024

  10. Can you please tell me how much money Oxford City Council has made from charging production companies to make their films and tv shows on council owned or managed land, for the periods: - 2017-2018 - 2018-2019 - 2019-2020 - 2020-2021 - 2021-2022 Can all answers be given respectively for each time period, please.

    Published: 9 January 2024