Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Oxford City Council

This is a disclosure log of Oxford City Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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148 disclosures

  1. This is a Freedom of Information message - 1. Please tell if building control in your townhall carry out double glazing inspections to residential properties that are replacing windows 2. Please say what double glazing standards are used by you with regards to for example, installation methods, window positioning, bolting, washers, rain ingress prevention, shape, size, measurement, extrusion and glass quality, beading, silicon, foaming, sill, stays, locks, accessories, spacers / shims, tools etc .

    Published: 26 January 2024

  2. Please can you email me a list of November or Q3 (most current) business rates credits you currently hold for businesses including: " The company name for whom the credit exists " The start date of the business rates account " If the account is still live or the date it ended " The full property address of the property with the credit on " The date / year of when the credit was created " The full amount of credit you hold for the business " The reason for the credit e.g., retail relief, overpayment If you publish credits online, but the information has not been updated on time, please advise when this information will be updated. Thanks in advance.

    Published: 26 January 2024

  3. For the years 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021, 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 and 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023, and for the period from 1 April 2023 until the date the response to this FOI request is given, provide the following information: • The number of rental properties in breach of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES). • The number of landlords issued with penalties for being in breach of MEES. • What form each of those penalties took and, if financial, how much each penalty was. • The number of instances of false or misleading information registered on the PRS Exemptions Register. • The number of landlords issued with penalties for registering false or misleading information on the PRS Exemptions Register. • What form each of those penalties took and, if financial, how much each penalty was. • Where the council's publication penalties were made publicly available. • The number of rental properties in breach of MEES that stopped being rented out due to non-compliance. • The number of rental properties that went from being in breach of MEES to being compliant due to council MEES enforcement.

    Published: 26 January 2024

  4. 1- How many complaints have you received in the last two years about taxi companies in Oxford, listing the name of the company and the type of complaint? 2- what action have you taken about these complaints? 3- what remedial action has been promised by the companies?

    Published: 26 January 2024

  5. In accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I write with 7 separate requests for information: 1) How many minor planning applications were received by the authority in (a) 2020-21, (b) 2021-22, (c) 2022-23? 2) How many minor planning applications were determined by the authority in (a) 2020-21, (b) 2021-22, (c) 2022-23? 3) How many major planning applications were received by the authority in (a) 2020-21, (b) 2021-22, (c) 2022-23? 4) How many major planning applications were determined by the authority in (a) 2020-21, (b) 2021-22, (c) 2022-23? 5) For major applications determined during 2020-21, how many were determined: (a) In under 13 weeks, (b) In 13 to 26 weeks, (c) In 27 to 52 weeks and (d) In more than 52 weeks. 6) For major applications determined during 2021-22, how many were determined: (a) In under 13 weeks, (b) In 13 to 26 weeks, (c) In 27 to 52 weeks; and (d) In more than 52 weeks. 7) For major applications determined during 2022-23, how many were determined: (a) In under 13 weeks, (b) In 13 to 26 weeks, (c) In 27 to 52 weeks; and (d) In more than 52 weeks.

    Published: 25 January 2024

  6. 1. The number of Afghan citizens who entered the UK under ACRS or ARAP are living within your district within Government funded bridging accommodation. 2. The number of Afghan citizens in your district who entered the UK under ACRS or ARAP have declared themselves as homeless. I would be grateful if you could provide this information on a month-by-month basis from August 2020 to date. If this breakdown will incur too high costs, then please provide broken down by quarter. In addition, please provide the following: 1. What plans are in place to respond to homelessness amongst this cohort, including the use of bridging accommodation.

    Published: 25 January 2024

  7. Oxford use of bailiffs/enforcement agents in 2022/2023 Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we would like to request the following information. 1. The number of times between 1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023, or the nearest available twelve-month period, that private bailiffs/enforcement agents have been instructed to enforce debts to the local authority relating to each of the following; * Council Tax * Parking * Housing Benefit overpayments * Business Rates * Commercial Rents * Any other debt types, including any other overpayments. By "private bailiffs/enforcement agents" we mean those who are self-employed or who work for private companies, including as high court enforcement officers. Please include cases where local authority employees have visited a property to enforce a warrant of control. 1. Before seeking a liability order for a resident for Council Tax arrears, do you take any of the following steps? Please indicate the steps you take. * Assessment of their income and expenditure, * Assessment of whether the resident (or anyone else) in their household is vulnerable, * Referral to your Council Tax Reduction / Support scheme, * Referral to income maximisation, * Referral to a free debt advice organisation. 1. Do you signpost residents to one or more free debt advice agencies as part of your Council Tax collections process? (Yes/No) If so, which charities? 1. Have you adopted the Standard Financial Statement<> as a tool for objectively assessing income and expenditure as part of your Council Tax collections process? (Yes/No) 1. Do you have a formal policy in place for dealing with residents in vulnerable circumstances as part of your collections process for Council Tax arrears? (Yes/No) If so, please may you provide a copy of the policy if it is for public consumption. 1. Do you currently have a policy of exempting recipients of Council Tax Support / Reduction from the use of bailiff action? (Yes/No) 1. Have you adopted the Citizens Advice/Local Government Association Council Tax Protocol<>? (Yes/No)

    Published: 25 January 2024

  8. I am writing to request the following under the Freedom of Information Act: 1. The number of 'new refugees' who applied to the Council for housing in 2022? 2. The number of 'new refugees' who presented as homeless to the Council in 2022? 3. The number of 'new refugees who have applied to the Council for housing in 2023 (up until today's date)? 4. The number of 'new refugees' who have presented as homeless to the Council in 2023 (up until today's date)? 5. Does your Council have an estimate of the number of 'new refugees' who will approach you for housing behind today's date and the end of 2023? For the purposes of the FOI, 'new refugees' has been defined as asylum seekers who have recently received a positive decision on their asylum application, granting them refugee or humanitarian status to remain in the UK.

    Published: 25 January 2024

  9. In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information in the format provided below for the period 1 January 2023 to 1 January 2024. The cumulative total of days of work lost due to strikes by council workers/employees Days should be defined by the number of officials who took strike action times by the number of days those officials engaged in strike action. If unable to provide days, please provide number of council officials took strike action in this period and the number of days that council staff engaged in strike action. Number of council officials took strike action in this period Number of days that council staff engaged in strike action

    Published: 25 January 2024

  10. In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information in the format provided below. Details of any spending on first class flights for council officials in the 2022-23 financial year. Details of any spending on first class flights for cabinet members in the 2022-23 financial year. In line with your duty under Section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with the appropriate support with this request where appropriate.

    Published: 24 January 2024