Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Oxford City Council

This is a disclosure log of Oxford City Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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148 disclosures

  1. Under the terms of the Freedom of Information (FOI) act, I am writing to you with 8 requests for information: 1. Have you received communication from Natural England, or consultants on behalf of Natural England, concerning recreational impacts in Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) as a result of new housing development? 2. Has Natural England designated any part of this local authority a Zone of Influence (ZOI)? 3. If yes, how much land (km) is currently designated a ZOI? 4. Have you been advised to implement an exclusion zone due to the impact of net increases in development? 5. If yes, how large is the boundary of the exclusion zone? 6. Have you been advised to implement a presumption against net increases of residential development in specified areas of the local authority due to a ZOI? 7. How many homes are currently help up as a result of the interim position? 8. Have you worked with any developers to agree a recreational impact mitigation scheme and allow home building to resume?

    Published: 12 February 2024

  2. Please can you tell me if you have obtained any software specifically to help with your implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain (a new statutory requirement for Local Planning Authorities). An example of this software might be Mycelia by Verna or DEF Mastergov. If it's another software provider, please specify which.

    Published: 12 February 2024

  3. I'm requesting information on any rent-prediction or rent-gathering algorithms used by the council. Please provide me a list of tools, either in-house or through a third-party agent, the council uses to: * Analyse the cost of housing in the area * Predict a tenant's ability to pay rent * Facilitate a tenant paying their rent I would also like a copy of the most recent risk assessment of any algorithms that are used. If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

    Published: 12 February 2024

  4. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information: 1. The number of sites owned by your council which have been in contract with a property guardianship company, for each year inclusive since 2014. (i.e. please provide that number of sites for Jan 1 2014-Dec 31 2014, the number for Jan 1 2015-Dec 31 2015, and so on, up to the number for Jan 2023-Dec 2023 to date of receipt of this email). 2. The original function of that site (e.g. residential council house, residential council flat, town hall, library, school, etc). 3. The number of guardians permitted to live at that site. 4. The length of time outlined in months that the site was contracted to a property guardianship company. 5. How much money the council paid to the guardianship company to manage each site over the course of the contract. 6. If applicable, how much money the guardianship company paid to the council to manage each site.

    Published: 12 February 2024

  5. We are currently conducting research analysing UK data about the following topics: mental health, careers & jobs and sustainability and I was wondering if you could help us by sending us the most updated data you have about the Oxford City Council. It would be amazing if you could help! We need the following information to complete our research: * How many staff members are in your council * How many mental health-trained staff members are in your council * How many first aid-trained staff members are in your council * How many council properties with solar panels installed this year * How many total council properties with solar panels installed * How many total council properties with renewables installed * How many council properties with renewables installed this year * How many RIDDOR reportable incidents in council properties * How many gas-related incidents in council properties

    Published: 9 February 2024

  6. 1. What facilities are offered to councillors (eg secretarial support, photocopying, office facilities etc) to help all councillors be most effective? 2. What facilities are provided by the council specifically for councillors with disabilities?

    Published: 1 February 2024

  7. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am writing to request information regarding the contingency plans and procedures that are in place in the event of a nuclear attack in Oxford. Specifically, I am interested in: 1. Any existing plans or protocols that detail the city's response in the event of a nuclear attack. 2. Information on public safety measures and guidelines that would be disseminated to residents in such an event. 3. Details of any drills or exercises conducted to prepare for a nuclear attack scenario. I look forward to your response within the statutory 20 working days.

    Published: 1 February 2024

  8. Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, please detail all of the job roles in the Council's communications department. Please also include the total budget allocated for communications for 2023/24.

    Published: 31 January 2024

  9. Good afternoon, Please may I request the following information (as a formal 'freedom of information' request), regarding the Oxford City Housing Register: 1. The total number of households on the Council's Housing Register at 1st November 2023. 1. The average waiting times at 1st November 2023 for the following types of affordable property across the Authority: * 1 bed affordable dwelling * 2 bed affordable dwellings * 3 bed affordable dwellings * 4+ bed affordable dwelling 1. The average waiting times at 1st November 2022 for the following types of affordable property across the Authority: * 1 bed affordable dwelling * 2 bed affordable dwellings * 3 bed affordable dwellings * 4+ bed affordable dwelling 1. The total number of households on the Council's Housing Register at 1st November 2023 specifying Barton and Sandhills as their preferred choice of location * 1 bed affordable * 2 bed affordable * 3 bed affordable * 4+ affordable Please could I also request confirmation of how many affordable homes have been consented and delivered across the Authority at 1st November 2023 in the following years: * 2018/19 * 2019/20 * 2020/21 * 2021/22 * 2022/23 Thank you in advance.

    Published: 31 January 2024

  10. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, pertaining to the expenditure on tea and biscuits during council meetings in the first half of 2023. Please provide the following details: 1. The total amount spent on tea and biscuits for council meetings from January 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023. 2. A monthly breakdown of this expenditure, if available. 3. Specific brands of biscuits purchased for these meetings. 4. Any relevant documents or information regarding the procurement process for these items.

    Published: 31 January 2024