Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Oxford City Council

This is a disclosure log of Oxford City Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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148 disclosures

  1. This is a request for information according to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please note there are three parts of my request, which relate to temporary accommodation. 1. Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used caravans and/or holiday parks to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer. By presenting as homeless, I mean people who have presented to the council as homeless, and who the council has a duty to house, and therefore provided temporary accommodation before finding more secure housing. 1a. If yes, please can you also provide: The name of the caravan/holiday park accommodation provider The amount paid by the council to the caravan/holiday park accommodation provider per financial year The number of people housed in caravans/holiday park accommodation 2. Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used hotels to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer. 2a. If yes, please can you also provide: The name of the hotel accommodation provider The amount paid by the council to the accommodation provider per financial year The number of people in hotel accommodation 3. Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council provided tents to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer. 3a. If yes, please can you also provide: The total costs spent on tents per financial year The number of people to have received tents If your council is not responsible for providing temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless, please delete this request.

    Published: 14 March 2024

  2. 1. Please confirm your overall spending on Translation and Interpreting Services, for each of the financial years: a. 2020-2021: b. 2022-2023: 2. Please provide a breakdown of languages for the last 12 months 3. What languages were your suppliers not able to supply in 2022? 4. Which external supplier(s) do you currently use to deliver your interpreting and translation services ? 5. Are you able to provide approximate fee / interpreting session for: a. In-person/face to face interpreting b. Telephone interpreting c. Video interpreting 6. If you outsource the provision of interpreting services to an external provider, could you please confirm: a) Whether the provider was contracted via a national framework? If so, which one? b) When does the current contract expire? c) Is there is an exclusivity clause, which would prevent the trust from piloting new cost saving interpreting services during the duration of your contract with your existing provider? 7. From which budget within your organisation are interpreting services funded? 8. Where do you advertise your tenders? If you do not do a full tender / which frameworks would you use? 9. What is the start and end date for either the framework or direct contracts you have with interpreting and translation supplier(s)?

    Published: 13 March 2024

  3. I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000: 1. Full list (including models) of Mercedes-Benz all-terrain vehicles and trucks you have purchased, hired or leased (including Unimogs). 2. (if leased/hired) Lease/hire start date & end date. 3. Name of service provider for any Mercedes-Benz Vehicles you have purchased, hired or leased. 4. (If owned) year purchased and when are you looking to renew your fleet of Mercedes-Benz models? 5. Contact details for the person(s) responsible for managing the fleet of Mercedes-Benz all terrain and truck vehicles, including name, job title, contact number and email address.

    Published: 13 March 2024

  4. Please can I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1. The amount of money in pounds (£) that your Local Authority has spent on maintaining Mayoral memorabilia (ie. the Mayoral chains) in each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24 2. The amount of money in pounds (£) was spent on your Local Authorities communications department (ie. staff costs) in each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24 3. The amount of money in pounds (£) was spent on travel cost for Councillors elected to your Local Authority (ie. taxi costs) in each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24

    Published: 22 February 2024

  5. I am interested in hearing more about the Household Support Fund and would like to know the following. 1. The number of applications to the Household Support Fund from 1 April 2023 - 31 December 2023. 2. The monetary amount of support provided to applicants to the Household Support Fund from 1 April 2023 - 1 December 2023. 3. The number of successful applicants to the Household Support Fund from 1 April 2023 - 31 December 2023. 4. What is the outstanding monetary amount from the Household Support Fund that is available before the scheme ends on 31 March 2024. If this information does not fall under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, then please let me know and I can amend my request if necessary.

    Published: 13 February 2024

  6. What guarantees can the council give us that child labour has not been used within the supply chain in the production of its batteries for the 'Super Energy Hub'? What degree of certainty does the council have that no "blood cobalt" exists in its hybrid lithium/ vanadium batteries? When planning and designing the "Energy Super Hub' did the council use due diligence to investigate where its suppliers and how the natural resources were mined? Did the council question Pivot Power on where and how cobalt is mined for its batteries and whether the company was confident child labour wasn't used in te supply chain?

    Published: 13 February 2024

  7. Good morning, I am e-mailing you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am after information relating to clean air data in cities with clean air zones.. If the request proves too broad, or exceeds the allocated time allowance for an FOI request, could you please inform me? In particular, I am after the following information: 1. By how much has the air quality improved since the beginning of the clean air zone scheme? * For Q1, please provide a month-by-month breakdown of air quality measurements * For Q1, please provide air quality measurement figures relating to the first day that the local clean air zone was introduced 1. How much revenue has the council generated from fines in relation to the clean air zone since the scheme began? * For Q2, please provide a month-by-month breakdown of the figures 1. How many individual drivers have received fines for failing to meet the requirements for the clean air zone since the scheme began? * For Q3, please provide a month-by-month breakdown of the figures If any aspect of the above request is unclear, or exceeds the time and resource allocations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, can you please inform me so I can consider adjusting my request.

    Published: 13 February 2024

  8. Please note there are three parts to my request. 1. How many equal pay claims have been made against your council in the time period between 31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023. 2. Please share the cost of claims closed/settled with compensation paid for successful claims in the last five years (31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023) in relation to equal pay claims. Please include the following information in the table: Compensation paid Defence costs paid Claimant Costs Paid Total Paid 3. What is your council's current estimated equal pay liability? I would like to receive the information electronically. If you feel that a substantive response to this request is not possible within a reasonable time frame, or the request is too broad or too vague, I would be grateful if you could contact me, either by email or telephone (07723324240) and provide assistance as to how I could refine the request. To support you in your response, I include the following information about equal pay claims published on the Local Government Association website: Men and women carrying out equal work for the same employer are entitled to the same terms and conditions of employment. This right derives from both European legislation (Article 157 of the EU Treaty (previously Article 141 of the EC Treaty)) and from the domestic Equality Act 2010 (formerly contained in the Equal Pay Act 1970). Under section 4 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 Article 157 still retains effect in the UK following the UK's departure from the European Union. However, section 4 is due to be repealed at the end of 2023, meaning Article 157 will no longer have effect under that section, but the Government has indicated that prior to then it will introduce domestic legislation to replicate the effect of Article 157. In general terms, the Equality Act (EA) gives women and men the right to equal pay for equal work unless there is a material reason for the inequality that is not related to sex. The EA achieves this by implying an "equality" clause into every contract of employment that enables a contract to be modified once a successful claim is made out. The provisions in the EA that were formerly contained in the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 cover claims of less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex in non-contractual matters that arise in the workplace - e.g. discrimination in recruitment, training, promotion, dismissal and non-contractual benefits; and claims of sexual harassment and less favourable treatment on pregnancy and maternity grounds. In addition to the EA, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has produced a Statutory Code of Practice on Equal Pay. In its forward, the Code states that it is intended to be an "authoritative, comprehensive and technical guide to the Act's provisions". The Code is broken down into two parts, the first dealing with equal pay law and the second with good practice. 1. Establishing the right to equal pay In order to establish the right to equal pay under the EA, a woman must identify a "comparator" of the opposite sex, who works in the "same employment" and then establish that she and the comparator are: employed on "like work"; or employed in jobs that are of "equal value"; or employed in jobs that have been "rated as equivalent". Once a woman has established her claim to equal pay it then falls upon the employer to show that the reason for the inequality is genuinely due to a "material factor" that is not the difference in sex. If the employer cannot show that, it will be liable to the employee.

    Published: 13 February 2024

  9. Freedom of Information request - activities licensed under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 Reasons for making the Freedom of Information request We are making this Freedom of Information request for two reasons. First, because we are concerned about the welfare of rabbits in farm parks, petting zoos and other such establishments, and are keen, where needed, to work with those establishments to educate them and help improve the welfare of the rabbits they are responsible for. Secondly, because as we are currently experiencing the worst rabbit rescue crisis we have ever seen, we want to understand more about the breeding of rabbits in England - in particular, how much of that is licensed. Due to the rabbit rescue crisis and the fact that rescue centres are struggling to cope with the amount of rabbits being abandoned, mistreated or surrendered, we launched a Breeding Amnesty Campaign ( in 2022. It is supported by many well-known animal welfare organisations including the RSPCA, Woodgreen, and the Blue Cross. It is also supported by Gumtree and Preloved where rabbits are often advertised for sale. We are working to gather support and evidence to back our call for the Government to amend the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) Regulations 2018 (LAIA Regulations 2018). One of the amendments we are seeking is that the breeding of rabbits is made a specific licensable activity, as the breeding of dogs currently is. Our view is that the current legislation does not catch the majority of those breeding rabbits (as they are not doing it in the "course of a business"), which means there are likely to be a large number of rabbit breeders who are not subject to inspections, do not have to adhere to specific welfare standards set out in legislation (as dog breeders do), and who may therefore sell baby rabbits that are in poor health, or without carrying out home-checks or supplying any care information. This is resulting in more rabbits being abandoned or surrendered than the rescue centres can take in, and the numbers show no sign of letting up. Our online petition, which we started on 31 January 2023 and currently has over 80,000 signatures, sets out the legislative changes that we are asking for in more detail ( Freedom of Information request Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am therefore writing to request the following information: 1. The number of licences (current only) you have issued under paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) Regulations 2018 (LAIA Regulations 2018) (this being the licensable activity of "Keeping or training animals for exhibition") to farm parks, petting zoos, city farms or any other set-ups/establishments where animals are exhibited to the public. 1. The names and addresses of those establishments. 1. Details of how many of these licensed establishments exhibit (or have, or will, exhibit) rabbits. 1. Details of how many inspectors you have appointed under reg.4(2)(a) of the LAIA Regulations 2018. 1. Details of who is responsible for dealing with animal welfare complaints relating to farm park, petting zoos and other such establishments in your area. 1. Contact details for that person/those people. 1. Details regarding how often the establishments licensed under paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 are inspected. 1. What guidance the inspectors appointed under regulation 4(2)(a) of the LAIA Regulations 2018 are given as to how they are to establish that the welfare needs of the rabbits they are inspecting are being met by the farm park, petting zoo etc. (For example, are they given a copy of the Good Practice Code for the Welfare of Rabbits - 1. The number of licences (issued at all times since the LAIA Regulations 2018 came into force) under paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 have been suspended or revoked under the powers in regulation 15, and why? 1. The number of licences (current only) you have issued under paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 (this being the licensable activity of "Selling animals as pets")? 1. Details of how many of these licensed sellers sell rabbits? 1. Details of how many of these licensed sellers sell only rabbits? 1. Details of how many of these licensed sellers are pet shops, and how many are private individuals? 1. Details of who is responsible for dealing with animal welfare complaints relating to these sellers (of any animals, not just rabbits)? 1. Contact details for that person/those people. 1. The criteria you use for determining whether the "business test" in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 is met. 1. The level of income the sellers licensed under paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 need in order to be deemed to be selling animals "in the course of a business". 1. Whether you have a dedicated animal welfare officer/team? 1. If so, what their contact details are. I am happy to receive the information in an electronic format. Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Published: 12 February 2024

  10. Please advise the number of pieces of "casework" raised by each councillor with the authority in the financial year 2022/23 - as a list with the number of queries each councillor has logged. Please include all queries officially logged by each councillor - whether on behalf of a resident or where the councillor has raised the query on his own account. (Often these are known as "member enquiries").

    Published: 12 February 2024