Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Oxford City Council

This is a disclosure log of Oxford City Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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148 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I respectfully request the following information: Does your council have homelessness staff on-site at a council building to assess people approaching as homeless? (ie can people who are homeless go to council offices in person and be assessed by a person face-to-face). If so, are the staff full time or part time? How many full time staff are there? If full time, what happens at the weekend? If part time, how many are there and how many days a week are people working in person? If the council has no staff available for in person approaches, how do people approach the council? Thanks for your time.

    Published: 6 November 2023

  2. Freedom of Information Officer I have been provided with your email to submit a request for information. The information I require is to do with the organisation's CCTV maintenance and support contract. Please can you send me the information stated below: 1. Supplier of the contract for CCTV maintenance and support 2. How much does the Org/s spend annually with the supplier? (if multiple suppliers please list the annual spend for each) 3. What is the renewal date of this contract? 4. What is the duration of the contract? 5. What is the review date of this contract? If possible the likely outcome of this review 6. The primary brand of the CCTV equipment. I don't require the model just the brand. If there is various brands could you please list? 7. What is the total number of cameras in use/under this contract? 8. The description of the services provided under this contract. Please state if this contract includes more than just CCTV services. 9. Contact details of the employee responsible for the contract between the supplier and the organisation. Can you please provide me with their full contact details If there is no CCTV maintenance contract in place 1. What is the brand of CCTV cameras in use? if there is variety could you please send me a list? I do not need the serial number or model just the brand. 2. How much is the average annual spend on the in-house maintenance? 3. How many cameras are in use? 4. Is there a plan to review this at any point, if so what would the date be? 5. Who is in charge of overseeing the in-house maintenance? If there is no maintenance contract or in-house maintenance in place, is there a ad-hoc agreement? If yes, 1. Who is the supplier? Is this varies could you please list? 2. What is the brand of CCTV cameras in use? if there is variety could you please send me a list? I do not need the serial number or model just the brand. 3. How many cameras are in use? 4. How much is the average annual spend on the ad-hoc agreement? 5. What is the date it is to be reviewed? I was told that the organisation will send me an acknowledgement stating that they have received my request.

    Published: 6 November 2023

  3. Please advise: 1. The total number of lock-up domestic garages owned by your council. 2. The total number of these garages that are currently empty. 3. The total number that are currently let to council estate residents. 4. The total number that are let to non council estate residents. 5. The estimated average total space in sq ft of all the council-owned garages.

    Published: 6 November 2023

  4. I'm writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. Can confirm please how much money was spent on carbon credits in the last five years? I would appreciate it if the data could be presented in grid similar to the one below: Financial year Amount of money spent on carbon/offsetting credits 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023

    Published: 6 November 2023

  5. 1) The number of businesses found selling illicit vapes for the period of 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 and January 2023 and 31 August 2023. 2) The key search terms I am seeking in relation to the type of business are; convenience store, corner shop, grocery store, supermarket, newsagent, symbol group, tobacconist, off licence and independent retailer. 3) Could you also provide the name the offending businesses traded under and their address. 4) The punishment for the business and whether they complied - warning, fine, compliance notice, escalation to the police, etc. Ideally, I would like these figures broken down month-on-month. If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand that under the Act, you are required to advise and assist requesters. If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary.

    Published: 16 October 2023

  6. This is an information request relating to commercial investments taken by the council since 2019 Please include the following information: * A list of all commercial investments taken by the council during the 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 and current financial years * The value of each investment * The future annual income forecast at the time of purchase * The actual income received each year since the purchase, up until and including the 2022/23 financial year If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

    Published: 16 October 2023

  7. When Council Employees decide to relocate and work from abroad on a permanent basis are they required to seek permission from their employer? If so, how many employees have requested such permission and how many employees have been granted permission to work from abroad?

    Published: 16 October 2023

  8. Please send me a copy Oxford City Council's 'Records Retention Policy'. This policy may have other names such as: Document Retention Policy Retention Schedules Retention Guidelines Corporate Retention Schedule Records Retention and Disposal Schedule Corporate Records Retention Schedule Could you also please clarify, in terms of disposing of records, what is the standard operational policy and procedure for when Oxford City Council chief executive and legal department, when they becomes aware of a known complaint or potential dispute (i.e. litigation, or regulatory appeal or claim, including ombudsman complaints). In specific I wish to understand what Oxford City Council Records Retention Policy guidance states in respect to the removal and/or destruction of any records (including records of e-mail communications) that may have a known, or potential, relevance to a complaint or potential dispute. Please provide a copy of the disposable of records guidance in terms of the policy and procedure that is consulted before documents are considered for destruction. Specifically I wish to have sight of the policy guidance of what happens non-standard deletion occurs in an employee's mailbox. I also wish to know, according to your policies, when a decision is made to delete a record or records of electronic communications or Outlook diary) who is consulted and who makes the decision for the destruction of such records?

    Published: 16 October 2023