Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Oxford City Council

This is a disclosure log of Oxford City Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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148 disclosures

  1. 1. Please list all council-funded public swimming pools that provide 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions in your local authority. 2. Which of the listed facilities that advertise 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions, provide an environment that is exclusively single sex, i.e., for females only, and which facilities provide a session that is mixed sex, i.e., do not exclude males who identify as a woman? 3. Please send me a copy of the council policy or policies that cover the provision of 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions. 4. Please tell me, do the council-funded leisure centres and sports facilities provide single sex changing rooms and showers in your local authority?

    Published: 16 November 2023

  2. Thank you for your response. Whilst we understand Oxford City Council is not responsible for Children's Services, Oxford City Council is responsible for collecting council tax for Local Authorities, Police and Crime Commissioners, the Fire Authority and Parish Councils where applicable. You are also responsible for setting the rate applied by Oxford City Council. We are therefore requesting that you provide the information to the following questions on the proportion of council tax collected by and for Oxford City Council: 1. Do you have a council tax exemption policy in place for care leavers? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."] If you answered "Yes" to Question 1, please provide the following information: 2. Is this exemption provided for care leavers up to the age of 25? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."] 3. Is your exemption policy inclusive of care leavers who move into your local authority, but the local authority which holds corporate parenting responsibility for them is elsewhere? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."] 4. Is your exemption policy inclusive of care leavers who you are the corporate parent for but live outside your local authority? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."] 5. Is this exemption policy included in your local offer for care leavers document? If so, please provide a link to the relevant document. 6. Is this exemption advertised on your website? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."] 7. Is there any further information you wish to add regarding your council's council tax exemption policy for care leavers? I look forward to your response,

    Published: 14 November 2023

  3. Please could you provide the following data relating to MEES regulations for the timescale of 1 April 2018 to 30 March 2023 * The number of exemptions registered for domestic properties broken down by exemption type * No further relevant improvements (all relevant energy efficiency improvements have been made or there are no relevant energy efficiency improvements that can be made for the property (reg 25 MEES Regulations) * Inability to obtain consent (reg 31 MEES Regulations) * Devaluing effects (reg 32 MEES Regulations) * Where a tenancy is granted in exceptional circumstances (reg 33 MEES Regulations) * The number of exemptions registered for non-domestic properties broken down by exemption type * No further relevant improvements (all relevant energy efficiency improvements have been made or there are no relevant energy efficiency improvements that can be made for the property (reg 29 MEES Regulations) * Inability to obtain consent (reg 31 MEES Regulations) * Devaluing effects (reg 32 MEES Regulations) * Where a tenancy is granted in exceptional circumstances (reg 33 MEES Regulations) * The number of penalty notices served to landlords of domestic properties in relation to non-compliance with MEES regulations * The number of penalty notices served to landlords of non-domestic properties in relation to non-compliance with MEES regulations * Total value (£) of penalty notices served to landlords of domestic properties in relation to non-compliance with MEES regulations * Total value (£) of penalty notices served to landlords of non-domestic properties in relation to non-compliance with MEES regulations I'd also like the same data for the period of 1 April 2023 to 30 September 2023.

    Published: 13 November 2023

  4. How many applications have been made for licenses to have dangerous animals in the past two years and which animals have licenses been applied for?

    Published: 7 November 2023

  5. On behalf of Oxford Citizens we place this Freedom of Information Request A list of any Letting Agencies with whom Oxford City Council has a formal agreement or contract A list of any letting Agencies with current ATLAS accreditation Any strategies in place to encourage Letting Agents to accredit with ATLAS

    Published: 7 November 2023

  6. I wish to receive the following information under the freedom of information act- A) Does your organisation use specific performance management software? A.2) If the answer to question A is no, how does your organisation record performance management information? B) If applicable, what is the name of the performance management software used by your organisation? C)If applicable, is your performance management software a bespoke package or an off the shelf application? D) What is the job title of the person responsible for performance management within your organisation?

    Published: 7 November 2023

  7. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I respectfully request the following information: Do you record people's disabilities when placing them into temporary accommodation? If so, how many people currently living in temporary accommodation (that you placed there) have disabilities? What percentage is that of the total number of people currently living in temporary accommodation (that you placed there)? How do you record their disabilities? (Please describe the recording system you have in place and how the data is stored) How is the data used? (for example are residents with disabilities prioritised in any way when they need a repair/help) If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as under the Freedom of Information Act you are required to advise and assist.

    Published: 7 November 2023

  8. Please could you provide me with the attached information about your organisation's ICT expenditure.

    Published: 6 November 2023

  9. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise is a global networking and communications technology vendor with a European heritage and with a major European and UK presence. As an established supplier of technology equipment and services to the public sector, we are keen to understand the digital transformation needs of UK public sector organisations. Please do provide all relevant information to the following questions, with both text and relevant links to documents. 1. When was your last networking (LAN, Core & Edge refresh, and when is the next refresh planned? 1a. What would you like to improve upon in your next refresh? 1b. Could you please confirm the supplier for your current contract and the vendor that you are using ? 2. When was your last Wi-Fi refresh, and when is the next refresh planned? 2a. What would you like to improve upon in your next refresh? 2b. Could you please confirm the supplier for your current contract and the vendor that you are using ? 3. When was your last telephony or Unified Communications refresh, and when is the next refresh planned? 3a. What would you like to improve upon in your next refresh? 3b. Could you please confirm the supplier for your current contract and the vendor that you are using ? 4. Do you currently use SD-WAN or SASE, if not it this something that you are planning to do? 4a. If yes, could you please confirm the supplier for your current contract and the vendor that you are using ? 5. How many users do you currently have in your contact centre? 5a. What would you like to improve upon with your contact centre 5b. Could you please confirm the supplier for your current contract and the vendor that you are using?

    Published: 6 November 2023

  10. I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request access to information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am interested in obtaining data related to park benches, specifically information about their locations and numbers within [City/Town] area. To assist you in processing my request, I have outlined the specific details I am seeking: 1. The total number of public benches within the area. 2. A list of public bench locations, including addresses, GPS, Northing & Easting Coordinates where the benches are situated. I understand that there might be costs associated with fulfilling this request, and I am willing to pay reasonable fees for the information, if applicable. However, I request that you inform me in advance of any costs involved. I prefer to receive the requested information in electronic format (such as a spreadsheet or CSV file) via email, if possible, to expedite the process. However, I am open to receiving the information by post if electronic format is not feasible. Please consider this letter as a formal request for the information, as provided for by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I understand that you have 20 working days to respond to this request, as stipulated by the Act. If you require any clarification or further details to fulfil this request, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving the requested information within the statutory timeframe.

    Published: 6 November 2023