FOI release

Direct Payments/Prepaid Cards/Cash and Voucher

Case reference FOI2023/00240

Published 9 January 2024


The FOI request is based around Direct Payments, prepaid cards, cash and voucher options that the council has for Residents, Service Users and Staff. Please note the follow are areas that commonly use these services, but not limited to:- • Direct Payments • Client Financial Affairs (The Council acting as Corporate Appointee and property & affairs Deputy • No Recourse to Public funds • Finance - Petty Cash Cards • Care Agencies - In House or External • Adult or Children Social Care - Emergency Cards • Household Support Payments Do you currently use a PrePaid card or other type of card provider, and if so what is the provider's name? What date does the current contract expire? What is the name, E-Mail Address & phone number of the person and team that manages the Contract? Which services within the Council or associated partners have a programme or platform with the provider? How much does each card cost? What transaction costs are there and how much are they? What is the annual cost or upper limit to the council? Does the Council have a functioning cashier counter to enable cash to be paid out? Do you use a provider to enable Service Users or Residents to collect cash, receive a text message or barcode, and if so what is their name? When does this contract end? What is the name, E-Mail Address & phone number of the person and team that manages the Contract? Which services within the Council or associated partners use this provider? How much does each payment cost? What is the annual cost or upper limit to the council? Do you use a provider to enable Service Users or Residents to send and receive shopping vouchers by text message or bar codes or other ways, and if so what is their name? When does this contract end? What is the name, E-Mail Address & phone number of the person and team that manages the Contract? Which services within the Council or associated partners use this provider? How much does each voucher cost? What is the annual cost or upper limit to the council? Does the Council use a third party to manage Direct Payment Managed accounts, if so who? What Services do they provide on behalf of the council? When does the contract end? What is the name, E-Mail Address & phone number of the person and team that manages the Contract? How much does each service cost? What is the annual cost or upper limit to the council? Does the Council offer payroll services for Direct Payment employers and their employees? What is the name, E-Mail Address & Contact number of the person and team that is the lead? How many staff deal with the payroll? What annual cost is there to the council for the payroll staff? £50,000 - £60,000 £60,000 - £70,000 £70,000 - £80,000 £80,000 - £90,000 Other


We do not use Direct Payments, prepaid cards, or voucher options at Oxford City Council.


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