FOI release

Council Data Request

Case reference FOI2023/00636

Published 9 February 2024


We are currently conducting research analysing UK data about the following topics: mental health, careers & jobs and sustainability and I was wondering if you could help us by sending us the most updated data you have about the Oxford City Council. It would be amazing if you could help! We need the following information to complete our research: * How many staff members are in your council * How many mental health-trained staff members are in your council * How many first aid-trained staff members are in your council * How many council properties with solar panels installed this year * How many total council properties with solar panels installed * How many total council properties with renewables installed * How many council properties with renewables installed this year * How many RIDDOR reportable incidents in council properties * How many gas-related incidents in council properties


How many staff members are in your council?


* How many mental health-trained staff members are in your council?

19 Mental Health First aid-trained staff.

* How many first aid-trained staff members are in your council?


* How many council properties with solar panels installed this year?


* How many total council properties with solar panels installed?


* How many total council properties with renewables installed?

29 properties with Air Source Heat pumps.

* How many council properties with renewables installed this year?


* How many RIDDOR reportable incidents in council properties


* How many gas-related incidents in council properties

Oxford City Council does not hold this data.

Oxford Direct Services may hold this


There are no documents for this release.

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