FOI release

Taxi Complaints

Case reference FOI2023/00528

Published 26 January 2024


1- How many complaints have you received in the last two years about taxi companies in Oxford, listing the name of the company and the type of complaint? 2- what action have you taken about these complaints? 3- what remedial action has been promised by the companies?



We have received 35 complaints against Private Hire Operators within the last 2 years. 5 of these complaints related to taxi companies not licensed by Oxford City Council and were passed to the relevant local authority.

Of the remaining 30 complaints we can provide the following details:

These were:

Royal Cars - 13 complaints

• Complaints include no wheelchair accessible vehicle, overcharge, high fare, condition of vehicles, bad reviews, not fulfilling booking, late pick-up, bad customer service, refusing refund.

• On all occasions the Council has liaised with the complainant and the operator. Some issues are ongoing. Advice has been given to operator.

• Refunds have been provided by operator where appropriate. Some complaints had no further action as either resolved by operator, complainant has not provided information required to progress investigation or no breaches of licence conditions.

001 - 15 complaints

• including overcharge, type of vehicle allocated to booking, charge for luggage, removal charge, bad review, not arriving on time, duplicate charge, no show, no available vehicles, waiting charge, no bookings for LTN areas, cancelled bookings, customer service.

• On all occasions the Council has liaised with the complainant and the operator. Some issues are ongoing. Advice has been given to operator.

• Refunds have been provided by operator where appropriate. Some complaints had no further action as either resolved by operator, complainant has not provided information required to progress investigation or no breaches of licence conditions.

Linkshires - 1 complaint

• business practices - ongoing

Kit Mobility - 1 complaint

• fare query - resolved by operator


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