Business Rates Data
Case reference FOI2024/00186
Received 8 February 2024
Published 4 October 2024
In response to your request, we can confirm that Oxford City Council holds this information but that we consider that the exemption under section 31(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies to it.The exemption in Section 31(1) is designed to cover all aspects of the prevention and detection of crime. This information is exempt from disclosure as it is likely to prejudice the prevention or detection of crime, the apprehension or prosecution of offenders or the administration of justice.Section 31 is a qualified exemption which means we must undertake a public interest test which is set out below in addition to explanations behind our engagement of this exemption.We acknowledge the public interest in openness and transparency.
However, there has been a rise in fraudulent attempts to claim credits by third parties, thus this information is no longer published as this can be used to try to claim refunds fraudulently.
Please see our business information webpage:
Access published business rates data | Oxford City Council
Thus, while we strive to be transparent, we must also consider the importance of our duty to provide the public with quality and value for money services. As a result of this duty, and the risk of potential prejudice of mishandling the data published online, we believe the interest in withholding this information outweighs that for disclosure.
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