FOI release

Private Landlord Scheme

Case reference FOI2023/00205

Published 9 January 2024


I would like to make a Freedom of Information request regarding the Oxford private landlord license scheme. I wish to know the following: To date, how many landlords have signed up for the scheme? What measures do the council have in place to check whether landlords have registered for a license? What case studies or agencies prompted the council to launch the scheme? What action has the Council taken to pursue landlords who are yet to sign up? The figures for the number of complaints Oxford City Council received from tenants regarding the condition of the property they are renting between 1st Sept 2021- August 31st 2022 The figures for the number of complaints Oxford City Council received from tenants regarding the condition of the property they are renting between 1st Sept 2022- August 31st 2023 •


To date, how many landlords have signed up for the scheme?

10909 applications have been received.

What measures do the council have in place to check whether landlords have registered for a license?

Warning letters requesting a license are sent to those properties where we have intelligence that

the property is privately rented and requires a license, visits are then made and evidence gathered to pursue formal action if an application is not made.

What case studies or agencies prompted the council to launch the scheme?

This is covered by the Cabinet reports September 2020 and March 2021 available here

Browse meetings - Cabinet | Oxford City Council

What action has the Council taken to pursue landlords who are yet to sign up?

As above.

The figures for the number of complaints Oxford City Council received from tenants regarding the condition of the property they are renting between 1st Sept 2021- August 31st 2022


The figures for the number of complaints Oxford City Council received from tenants regarding the condition of the property they are renting between 1st Sept 2022- August 31st 2023



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