FOI release


Case reference FOI2023/00535

Published 26 January 2024


Please can you email me a list of November or Q3 (most current) business rates credits you currently hold for businesses including: " The company name for whom the credit exists " The start date of the business rates account " If the account is still live or the date it ended " The full property address of the property with the credit on " The date / year of when the credit was created " The full amount of credit you hold for the business " The reason for the credit e.g., retail relief, overpayment If you publish credits online, but the information has not been updated on time, please advise when this information will be updated. Thanks in advance.


Unfortunately, we are not able to provide this information at the current stage.

The information you have requested is withheld under section 30 of Freedom of Information Act.Section 30(1) covers any information held by a public authority for the purposes of actual or potential criminal investigations that the authority has the duty or power to conduct.This exemption is subject to a public interest test, meaning that in order to decide whether or not it should be withheld, we first need to consider the public interest factors for and against withholding this information. Whilst there is an interest in transparency of the Council's investigatory process and accountability of our decision making in relation to enforcement, the investigation is live, and a decision is to be made on whether or not further action will be pursued. Releasing information,which is being used for an investigation, and which has not been concluded, risks disrupting the course of the investigation and could prejudice any considered outcome. For the purpose of investigation process to be undertaken appropriately and thoroughly, we find public interest is served in currently maintaining the exemption and withholding it from disclosure.


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