FOI release

Affordable Housing

Case reference FOI2023/00214

Published 9 January 2024


I would like to know the proportion of housing defined as "affordable" built by developers in the city of Oxford. Please split it down by year. By "affordable housing", I am referring to housing built under Section 106 regulations. When I say "proportion", please could you provide a breakdown of the developments which have taken place in Oxfordshire in this period in one column and the proportion of "affordable" housing (taken as a %) in the second column. If you are unable to provide data as far back as 2012, please could you provide data back to 2018.


S106 obligations and developer contributions are reported annually and this information be found on the Oxford City website. The Infrastructure Funding Statement is a factual report which summarises the amount of developer contributions obtained, allocated and spent in the previous financial year. It is available here:

Infrastructure Funding Statement Report | Oxford City Council

For earlier years (prior to 2020-2021) this information was previously captured by the Authority Monitoring Report. These can be accessed


Detail on individual developments (and the relevant s106) can also be found through the public access Oxford City planning portal: View, comment and track planning applications | View,comment and track planning applications | Oxford City Council.


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