FOI release
Potholes data request
Case reference EIR2024/00782
Received 10 July 2024
Published 14 February 2025
Hi there, I hope this finds you well. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 provision. I kindly request the following information: * The number of motorists who have lodged a complaint about a pothole and requested compensation. * The number of people who have received a payout for pothole compensation. * The total amount paid by the council for pothole compensation. Please provide the data for each of these points over the last three years (June 2021 -May 2022, June 2022 - May 2023, June 2023 -May 2024), broken down by year. Thank you for your time and assistance.
Unfortunately Oxford City Council does not hold the information you require. I recommend you redirect your enquiry to Oxford Direct Services, by email, to, as they will be better placed to answer your request.
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