FOI release

Electric vehicle charging points

Case reference FOI2024/00666

Received 10 June 2024

Published 4 July 2024


I am emailing you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am after information on electric vehicle charging points. If the request proves too broad, or exceeds the allocated time allowance for an FOI request, could you please inform me? In particular, I am after the following information: 1. How many public charging outlets or chargepoints for electric or plug- in hybrid vehicles have you installed to date in your local authority? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and the year the figures correspond to. 1. For Question 1, how many of the public charging outlets or chargepoints are those classed as On-Street Residential Chargepoints, located on-street in residential streets or areas? 1. How many public charging outlets or chargepoints for electric or plug- in hybrid vehicles do you plan to install in the current fiscal year or the current calendar year? Please provide figures to whichever timeframe corresponds with your reporting. 1. For Question 3, how many of the planned public charging outlets or charegpoints are classed as On-Street Residential Chargepoints, to be installed in on-street residential areas? 1. Do you have a published strategy for On-Street Residential charging infrastructure? 1. Do you have a dedicated Policy Officer (or equivalent) responsible for your electric vehicle charging infrastructure? 1. Have you applied for the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund yet? If yes, have you been successful?


1. How many public charging outlets or chargepoints for electric or plug- in hybrid vehicles have you installed to date in your local authority? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and the year the figures correspond to.

2019 - 4

2020 - 0

2021- 10

2022 - 52

2023 - 7

1. For Question 1, how many of the public charging outlets or chargepoints are those classed as On-Street Residential Chargepoints, located on-street in residential streets or areas?


1. How many public charging outlets or chargepoints for electric or plug- in hybrid vehicles do you plan to install in the current fiscal year or the current calendar year? Please provide figures to whichever timeframe corresponds with your reporting.

2024 - no chargepoints to be installed

2025 up to 300 chargepoints will be installed.

1. For Question 3, how many of the planned public charging outlets or charegpoints are classed as On-Street Residential Chargepoints, to be installed in on-street residential areas?

Up to 140.

1. Do you have a published strategy for On-Street Residential charging infrastructure?

Yes.Please see OxEVIS - Download the Oxford Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy | Oxford City Council

1. Do you have a dedicated Policy Officer (or equivalent) responsible for your electric vehicle charging infrastructure?


1. Have you applied for the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund yet? If yes, have you been successful?


If any aspect of the above request is unclear, or exceeds the time and resource allocations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, can you please inform me so I can consider adjusting my


Yes, we are awaiting the results.


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