FOI release

Empty Properties List

Case reference FOI2023/00016

Published 17 November 2023


I am actively involved in initiatives aimed at addressing homelessness and housing shortages in our community. I am reaching out to kindly request a list of empty residential properties within the councils jurisdiction. My objective is to engage with the owners of these properties with a view to revitalising and potentially leasing them back to the council. This collaboration could facilitate the provision of much-needed housing for the homeless population, and subsequently contribute to reducing waiting lists for housing. Such an initiative would not only benefit the individuals who are in dire need of shelter but also positively impact the community by improving neighbourhoods and potentially reducing crime rates associated with vacant properties. I am hopeful that you share in the vision of creating a more inclusive and supportive community for all its residents. I would greatly appreciate any assistance or information you can provide in this regard.


Unfortunately we do not provide a list of privately owned empty dwellings.

Under s.1 (1) (a) of the FOI we can confirm that the Council does hold information relating to empty residential, however it is exempt from disclosure under Section 31 of FOIA as it is considered to relate to Law Enforcement as to release information would be likely to prejudice the prevention or detection of crime objective. Disclosures of the list could provide details of empty properties which could encourage an illegal act i.e. criminal damage, theft or anti-social behaviour. This would not be in the best interests of the Council, the persons concerned with the maintenance etc of these properties or nearby residents of the properties. In addition the details of deceased persons could be used for identity fraud.Therefore, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs any public interest in releasing the data.However, we can include your name on a list of interested parties. If an owner expresses an interest in selling their property, we can provide this list.If you are aware of an empty dwelling you may drop a letter through the door, check Oxford City Council's planning application search (agent/owner details are detailed) and try land registry.

There is more information available here:

empty homes | Oxford City Council


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