FOI release

People with disabilities living in temporary accommodation

Case reference FOI2023/00224

Published 7 November 2023


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I respectfully request the following information: Do you record people's disabilities when placing them into temporary accommodation? If so, how many people currently living in temporary accommodation (that you placed there) have disabilities? What percentage is that of the total number of people currently living in temporary accommodation (that you placed there)? How do you record their disabilities? (Please describe the recording system you have in place and how the data is stored) How is the data used? (for example are residents with disabilities prioritised in any way when they need a repair/help) If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as under the Freedom of Information Act you are required to advise and assist.


Do you record people's disabilities when placing them into temporary accommodation?

Following the introduction of the Homeless Reduction Act in 2017 - quarterly reporting is required to the Department of Levelling Up for Housing & Communities (DLUHC) by Local Authorities across the UK including Oxford. The data returns are referred to H-CLIC: The Homelessness Case Level Information Collection and asks a variety of questions regarding homelessness including some questions around disability, including, for example, questions around whether a person has physical disability, learning disability or a history of mental health problems. The link below provides more details on this: Statutory homelessness in England: technical note - GOV.UK (

Where a customer/or a member of their household is assessed as requiring a ground floor property &/or an adapted property, this is recorded when they are included on the Homeless List - where a main homeless duty decision is accepted. They are placed on the Oxford Register for Affordable Housing and their housing needs are taken into account when prioritising them for suitable housing. Similarly, if a customer is considered for a private sector offer, this will also be taken into account.

If so, how many people currently living in temporary accommodation (that you placed there) have disabilities?

There are 2 customers on the Homeless List in Temporary Accommodation currently assessed needing a ground floor property with a level access shower - both are single. There will be other customers who have a disability too, which may, for example, affect the location of accommodation they require due to their support needs. These are not recorded individually, but when considering whether a property is suitable for a customer, their circumstances - including whether they or a household member have a disability, this will be taken into account to seek the most suitable home possible.

What percentage is that of the total number of people currently living in temporary accommodation (that you placed there)?

On the Housing Register there are currently 50 customers owed a main homeless duty on the Homeless List currently - so considering the 2 above this would equate to 4%, but as mentioned above, there will be others too with a disability ,but not specifically recorded on Housing Register records. The HCLIC data will have more details regarding all those in Temporary Accommodation including those, for example with pending applications ,where a main duty has not yet been made.

How do you record their disabilities?(Please describe the recording system you have in place and how the data is stored)

Information is recorded as set out in the HCLIC data returns. The Council's Housing Management Information System is also used to record on their housing application if they need - a ground floor property, a property with adaptations such as a level access shower, wet room, stairlift or a wheelchair accessible accommodation.

How is the data used? (for example are residents with disabilities prioritised in any way when they need a repair/help)

Where a customer approaches OCC as homeless and is placed in Temporary Accommodation - if they are recorded as having a disability affecting the type of housing they require - this is considered when determining their housing needs and for prioritizing them for suitable accommodation. For example, a customer needing a ground floor property and adaptations such a level access shower, will receive priority for such accommodation over others without this need and may be considered for a direct match. Similarly, if a customer has vulnerabilities due to a disability and needs to be housed closer to their support network, this will be taken into account when considering them for housing. The Council's Allocations Scheme available on the Council website provides more details.


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