FOI release

FOI - Properties for NON-UK Citizens

Case reference FOI2024/01008

Received 30 August 2024

Published 4 October 2024


Please provide the individual cost of each of the 10 properties you refer to along with any refurbishment cost for each property. Who provided the funding for any refurbishment, i.e., central government or the council?


Please see the information attached.

The funding for the refurbishment of the properties purchased under Local Authority Housing Fund, is through a combination of central government grant funding and Council investment. The government provide grant funding which equates to 40% or 50% of capital costs to help purchase the property, plus £20,000 per property to cover additional costs including refurbishment with the Council making up any additional costs. Further information on the breakdown of central grant government grant and Council investment for the two schemes, can be found via the public cabinet reports on Oxford City Council's website: Local Authority Housing Fund Round 1 Local Authority Housing Fund Round 2


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