FOI release

Freedom of Information Request - Climate Emergency Declaration

Case reference EIR2024/00020

Published 15 January 2024


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to request the following information: 1. Do you have a full-time officer solely dedicated to managing your declared climate and/or nature emergency? Yes/No 2. Does your policy/strategy specify that some or all planning applications that could affect trees must include a tree canopy cover assessment as supporting information? Yes/No 3. Do you have a professional tree officer dedicated to advise on planning applications that could affect existing trees? Yes/No 4. Do you have standard planning conditions that specifically require that the supply, planting, and maintenance of new trees must be complaint with BS 8545 (2014) Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape - Recommendations? Yes/No


1. Do you have a full-time officer solely dedicated to managing your declared climate and/or nature

emergency? Yes/No

We do not have a dedicated person. Due to the complexity and wide-ranging aspect of this area,

this remit is picked up by a number of officers who address this within their areas of expertise.

2. Does your policy/strategy specify that some or all planning applications that could affect trees must include a tree canopy cover assessment as supporting information? Yes/No

Yes. The Oxford Local Plan 2036 is available to view online.

3. Do you have a professional tree officer dedicated to advise on planning applications that could affect existing trees? Yes/No


4. Do you have standard planning conditions that specifically require that the supply, planting, andmaintenance of new trees must be complaint with BS 8545 (2014) Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape - Recommendations? Yes/No

We have standard conditions that deal with the impact on trees from development proposals and that includes conditions that require the implementation of landscaping schemes.


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