FOI release

Zones of Influence - Recreational impact

Case reference EIR2023/00656

Published 12 February 2024


Under the terms of the Freedom of Information (FOI) act, I am writing to you with 8 requests for information: 1. Have you received communication from Natural England, or consultants on behalf of Natural England, concerning recreational impacts in Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) as a result of new housing development? 2. Has Natural England designated any part of this local authority a Zone of Influence (ZOI)? 3. If yes, how much land (km) is currently designated a ZOI? 4. Have you been advised to implement an exclusion zone due to the impact of net increases in development? 5. If yes, how large is the boundary of the exclusion zone? 6. Have you been advised to implement a presumption against net increases of residential development in specified areas of the local authority due to a ZOI? 7. How many homes are currently help up as a result of the interim position? 8. Have you worked with any developers to agree a recreational impact mitigation scheme and allow home building to resume?


1. Have you received communication from Natural England, or consultants on behalf of Natural England, concerning recreational impacts in Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) as a result of new housing development?

We are currently producing an HRA to support the Local Plan 2040, which includes a recreational impact assessment to look at the impacts of proposed development allocated in the plan on the Oxford Meadows SAC. The majority of sites in the plan do not require any mitigation measures as they are too far away from the Oxford Meadows SAC. Where site allocations have a potential to impact the SAC for recreational pressure, appropriate measures are proposed as part of the plan policies. We have been in a dialogue with Natural England about the potential impacts of the plan on the Oxford Meadows SAC, and will continue to do be in conversation with them about our approach and findings as the plan moves forward towards the examination.

2. Has Natural England designated any part of this local authority a Zone of Influence (ZOI)?


3. If yes, how much land (km) is currently designated a ZOI?


4. Have you been advised to implement an exclusion zone due to the impact of net increases in development?


5. If yes, how large is the boundary of the exclusion zone?


6. Have you been advised to implement a presumption against net increases of residential development in specified areas of the local authority due to a ZOI?


7. How many homes are currently help up as a result of the interim position?


8. Have you worked with any developers to agree a recreational impact mitigation scheme and allow home building to resume?



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