FOI release

Change of Use Applications

Case reference FOI2024/00021

Published 14 March 2024


I am writing to you to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  This request applies specifically to Class A premises, which includes shops and retail premises such as restaurants. Many thanks, 1. Please state the number of applications to open new A category outlets in the following years by type: 2021 (Jan - Dec) 2022 (Jan - Dec) 2023 (Jan - Dec) A1- Shops A2 - Financial and professional services A3- Restaurants and cafes A4- Drinking establishments A5- hot food takeaways 1. Please state how many applications for new category A outlets were approved in the following years by type: 2021 (Jan - Dec) 2022 (Jan - Dec) 2023 (Jan - Dec) A1- Shops A2 - Financial and professional services A3- Restaurants and cafes A4- Drinking establishments A5- hot food takeaways 1. For 2023, please state how many applications were received for change of use from one class to another by type. E.g., if you received 10 applications from A1 properties, looking to change to A2, please detail below. Convert to: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Convert from: A1- Shops X A2 - Financial and professional services X A3- Restaurants and cafes X A4- Drinking establishments X A5- hot food takeaways X 1. How much do you currently charge for a change of use application?


Regarding the requested information, we are withholding this information using a section 21 (1) exemption under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This exemption covers information which is already reasonably accessible in the public domain. Please therefore be advised that the requested information and fees are available on our website at the below links.

You can search applications received and approved by following the link below and applying filters:

The information about the fees is here:


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