Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Oxford City Council

This is a disclosure log of Oxford City Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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189 disclosures

  1. I am writing to request the following data under the Freedom of Information Act. If all the below questions cannot be answered within the appropriate time limit, please can you answer the questions in order as below until the limit is reached. 1. How many home adaptations were delivered in the following financial years under the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)? I) 2019-20 II) 2020-21 III) 2021-22 IV) 2022-23 V) 2023-24 1. How many of the home adaptations delivered, as outlined in question 1, related to a) under-18s, and b) adults aged between 18 and 64? Please break the figures down by the following financial years: I) 2019-20 II) 2020-21 III) 2021-22 IV) 2022-23 V) 2023-24 1. Of home adaptations delivered under the DFG in the following financial years, what was the average amount of time, in days, for a home adaptation to be completed from the time of the resident's initial enquiry*? I) 2019-20 II) 2020-21 III) 2021-22 IV) 2022-23 V) 2023-24 *Please understand an "initial enquiry'' in all questions as the first contact made by/on behalf of the resident with the local authority regarding a home adaptation, rather than the point at which an application was formally submitted. If such timeframes cannot be calculated because the data is not accessible in this format, please provide timeframes using the nearest data you have available, and explain what this timeframe relates to 1. Of home adaptations delivered under the DFG in the following financial years, what was the average amount of time, in days, for a home adaptation to be completed from the time of the initial enquiry for cases relating to under-18s? I) 2019-20 II) 2020-21 III) 2021-22 IV) 2022-23 V) 2023-24 1. Of home adaptations delivered under the DFG in the following financial years, what was the average amount of time, in days, for a home adaptation to be completed from the time of the initial enquiry for cases relating to those aged 18-64? I) 2019-20 II) 2020-21 III) 2021-22 IV) 2022-23 V) 2023-24 1. Among residents whose DFG enquiries or applications remain open, what is the longest amount of time a case has been ongoing (in days)? Please provide a figure from the point at which the resident first enquired* about a home adaptation. *Please understand 'first enquired' as the first contact made by/on behalf of the resident with the local authority regarding a home adaptation, rather than the point at which an application was formally submitted. If such timeframes cannot be calculated because the data is not accessible in this format, please provide timeframes using the nearest data you have available, and explain what this timeframe relates to 1. Did the case in question 6 relate to an individual aged i) under-18, ii) 16-64 or iii) 65 and over? 1. What was the total cost of the home adaptations delivered under the DFG in each of the following financial years? I) 2019-20 II) 2020-21 III) 2021-22 IV) 2022-23 V) 2023-24 1. Do you use discretionary powers to top up grants? Please can you acknowledge receipt of this request. Many thanks for your assistance.

    Published: 14 October 2024

  2. Dear Oxford City Council, Please provide the number of properties in your district that are exempt from council tax under exemptions M (student halls of residence), and N (students). Please provide yearly data for every year since 2000. If data is not held for this long, please provide data for as long as it is held. Please break these down by years and exemption, e.g: ... 2020: M: xxx N: xxx 2021: M: xxx N: xxx ... (etc.) Please contact me if you need further clarification.

    Published: 14 October 2024

  3. I am writing to make an open government request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like answers to the questions below to be provided to me via email. Q1 How many apps and pieces of software do you provide to your employees that contain or use an AI copilot (e.g. Microsoft Copilot or SAP Joule)? *By copilot, we mean an assistant using AI to assist the user – for instance by answering questions, automating tasks, or analysing/generating text or images • We do not know the exact number • 0 • 1-9 • 10-19 • 20-29 • 30-39 • 40-49 • 50 or more Q2 How much money has your organisation spent on training employees (including time spent on internal training sessions, external contractors and third party courses) how to use AI for work-related activities (between 01/09/2023 and 31/08/2024)? Q3 Do you have a usage policy in place on the use of AI in the workplace? (for instance – have you banned all use of AI, or are employees advised to only use AI for set purposes) Q4 Has your organisation taken disciplinary action against employees for their use of technology – e.g. using it outside the bounds of the workplace usage policy? If yes, did any of the activity relate to the use of AI? Q5 Are your employees using any of the following AI copilots? • Microsoft Copilot • SAP Joule • WalkMeˣ • Salesforce Einstein Copilot • Github • Tabnine • Other If it’s easier, I am more than happy to receive this data in an Excel spreadsheet. If answering the above questions if not possible, could you please advise as to what relevant information would be attainable, or where the information might already exist in the public domain. If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me with advice as to what relevant information is attainable and what steps I need to take to receive it. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request.

    Published: 14 October 2024

  4. Dear sir madam I am writing to request information for which council departments of Oxford city council hold/ have keys for their tenants properties say for instance if the tenant couldn't be at home when a repair/ work needed doing in their home also is there any other people or organisations who would have access to keys for oxford city council tenants homes for any reason, thank you, I await your response.

    Published: 10 October 2024

  5. Dear Oxford City Council, I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If any information is unavailable, exempt, or beyond time/cost limits, please disregard these and provide the rest. 1. Total number of CCTV cameras in public spaces (e.g., streets, parks, car parks) operated by the council at any point during the 2023 calendar year. 2. Number of faulty or out-of-operation CCTV cameras: The number of CCTV cameras in public spaces that were broken, faulty, or out of operation for any period during the 2023 calendar year. Please provide the total number of cameras affected and, if possible, the total duration (in days) they were out of operation. 3. Expenditure on CCTV cameras: The total amount spent on installing and maintaining CCTV cameras in public spaces during the 2023 calendar year. If available, please break this down into installation and maintenance costs. Please let me know if you require further clarification or have any questions.

    Published: 10 October 2024

  6. Please provide the individual cost of each of the 10 properties you refer to along with any refurbishment cost for each property. Who provided the funding for any refurbishment, i.e., central government or the council?

    Published: 4 October 2024

  7. Good morning, Could the council, please confirm the below information? 1. Unified Communications 1. The manufacturer of the council's unified communications software. 2. The provider (the company that you signed the contract with) for your unified communications software. 3. Contract end date for your current unified communications software. 4. Do you have any extensions available on your current contract for the councils unified communications software? If so, please give full details. 2. Contact Centre 1. Is the council's contact centre outsourced? If so, to who? 2. How many contact centre agents does the council employ? 3. The manufacturer of your contact centre software 4. The provider (the company that you signed the contract with) for your contact centre software. 5. Contract end date for your current contact centre software. 6. Do you have any extensions available on your current contract for the council's contact centre software? If so, please give full details. Thank you in advance. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Published: 4 October 2024

  8. Please advise: 1. How many "affordable homes" that have been built in your area, under Section 106 agreements with property developers, are currently empty because a registered provider has not agreed to buy them? 2. How many homes that were due to be built in your area, under Section 106 agreements with property developers, have seen planned construction cancelled as a registered provider has not agreed to buy them? Please provide figures for both "affordable housing" and "market housing."

    Published: 4 October 2024

  9. Dear Sir or Madam I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 about Business Rates Accounts held by your Council: * Account Name * Account Start Date * Billing Authority Reference * Current 2023 List Rateable Value * Details of any reliefs where applied, including a further breakdown if possible of: o Type of relief applied o Date the relief was applied o Value of the relief * Full Address of the rated assessment * Billing Address * Occupied/Empty Status * Description I am aware that the Account Name may be considered personal in some instances so I ask that in these cases you supply the rest of the information provided with the Account name redacted. Also, if there are any aspects of our request you cannot disclose information for, could you please identify them with a reason. I thank you very much for your help,

    Published: 4 October 2024

  10. I have recently downloaded business rates data from your website: However, the extract appears to be from April 2023. Please could you let me know when new data will be published? Thank you for your help.

    Published: 4 October 2024